Redemption to the Redeemer

to better enjoy the experience, turn on the audio
Richard Wagner: Parsifal, Act 3
Nur eine Waffe taugt
Erlozung OpusNigrum W
Oval 120 (wide) x 166 (height) x 3 cm (thickness)
Graphite, poska, golden color
Linen fabric on black pinewood frame

to better enjoy the experience, turn on the audio
Richard Wagner: Parsifal, Act 3
Nur eine Waffe taugt


The chosen character are Kundry and Klingsor.

They are weightless waiting for Parsifal, the crazy and cast boy that will become wise when he feels compassion.

Kundry, Eros and Tanathos is seduced by Klingsor, a dark character. Klingsor is holding in his left hand Longinos Spear.

Parsifal brings the redemption to both characters. He destroys Klingsor´s evil empire and returns peace to Kundry.

Erlözung dem Erloser, means Redemption for the Redemptor. This is the composer´s self-liberation as well as the creation of his work is to me.

The superficial abstract background of the painting appears slowly. Two pentagonal stars appears between the two figures. I felt overwhelmed due to straight lines, difficult to draw.

Opus Nigrum created this work at 2018.